Online Job இலவச ஆலோசனைகளுக்கு--99440 52501

Online Job இலவச ஆலோசனைகளுக்கு--99440 52501
Online Job இலவச ஆலோசனைகளுக்கு

High Sensitive LPG Sensor with Gas Leakage Alert Buzzer

High Sensitive LPG Sensor with Gas Leakage Alert Buzzer

                  This LPG Gas Sensor (MQ6), ideal sensor for use to detect the presence of a dangerous LPG leak in your Home, car or in a service station, storage tank environment. This unit can be easily incorporated into an alarm unit, to sound an alarm or give a visual indication of the Combustible Gas / LPG concentration. The sensor has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick repsonse time. The sensor can also sense iso-butane, propane, LNG and cigarette smoke. This LPG Gas Sensor can be used to make wireless Gas leak detector in home security system

    This project is High Sensitivity to LPG, iso-butane, propane. This also can sense to alcohol and smoke, but with poor sensitivity. This project is designed to detect the LPG from 100parts per million (PPM) to 10,000 PPM. Whenever LPG is detected, the sensor produces the output voltage, which is depended on the amount of gas leakage. This voltage drives the transistor into saturation region. A buzzer is connected to produce audible alert signal.

           This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply for charging the battery. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/18V step down transformer. Read more